Popular streaming show, 'Tripling', which stars Sumeet Vyas, Maanvi Gagroo, and Amol Parashar is returning with its third season after a gap of three years.
The upcoming season has been directed by Neeraj Udhwani from a story by TVF head-honcho Arunabh Kumar and Sumeet Vyas; the screenplay is by Sumeet Vyas and the dialogues are by Sumeet Vyas and Abbas Dalal.
Commenting on the occasion, director Neeraj Udhwani said: "The uniqueness of season 3 lies in its focus on the family. We all have known and loved Chandan, Chitvan and Chanchal but where do their 𒈔quirks and eccentricities come from? Their parents obviously, who are as crazy as them and make their own unusual choices which the three siblings have to deal with."