🅠Waiting For You In The Future revolves around a 36-year-old high school teacher, Hao Hui Gui, who is single and lives a monotonous life. His daily routine involves spending time at home, and school and occasionally meeting his best friend. While he's usually calm and composed, one fine day, during a get-together, Hao Hui Gui gets into a heated argument with his best friend, which brings about a drastic turn in his life. To refresh good old memories, he scrolls through his 20-year-old diary and realises how to achieve his goals, he has lost the 'happy him.' As Hao Hui Gui recalls memories and self-analyses the situation, Hao Hui Gui falls asleep and meets his younger self in his dreams. A simple, captivating and thought-provoking drama, Waiting For You In The Future is highly relatable. Watch it on MX Player in Hindi from the 21st January, as new episodes drop every week.