Bollywood star Deepika Padukone, who made her debut with 'Om Shanti Om' in 2007, has thanked Farah Khan, whom she referred to as 'ma' after the choreographer-filmmaker spotted her on a billboard in Bangkok.
Farah is currently holidaying in Thailand with her family. She spotted Deepika on a hoarding at a mall in Bangkok.
She shared the image on her Instagram stories and captioned it: "Looking good baby!"
Deepika re-shared the post on her Instagram stories, thanking Farah Khan.
She wrote, "Thank you Ma, YOU had a faith in me when no one else did..."
Farah replied: "You were a star even proud," followed by a red heart emoticon.
Earlier this year, Deepika became the first Indian brand ambassador for the luxury brand Louis Vuitton.
On the work front, Deepika wil🐲l be seen with Shah Rukh Khan in 'Pathaan' and 'Fighter' with Hrithik Roshan.