Unfortunately, especially in our industry, as you grow older, the work decreases. It’s surprising, along with work, ꦰthe respect – I am talking in general and not about myself. Fortunately for me by god’s grace and the love of my audience, I have been working. I’m not saying that I am working 365 days a year, but constantly I’m working, apart from the Covid-19 patch. In every actor’s life comes a time when you are sitting at home and of course, insecurities come in but I have been fortunate that I have been♛ continuously working. But talking generally, work does reduce and even the way people look at you. I used to do a series initially, and there used to be a senior actor who used to command the highest price but in our case, it’s the opposite. It’s the younger ones (who’re charging more). They start with very less money, but when the serial becomes a hit then they are charging a bomb and we are the same as we were doing earlier. So that is the condition, the stage that we work in.