Known for his portrayal of Lord Shiva in the hit TV show 'Dev Ke Dev Mahadev', Mohit Raina has come a long way. He left television at the peak of his career and then in 2019, he made his Bollywood debut with 'Uri: The Surgical Strike'. Though his role was small he was very much appreciated for it. In 2019, he explored the digital space with 'Kaafir' and in the same year he did 'Bhaukaal'. In 2021 he was seen in 'Mumbai Diaries 26/11' for which he got lots of love and praise from the audience. His last stint on OTT was 'Ishq-e-Nadaan'. Mohit is now all set to play an Indian mercenary in Neeraj Pandey's 'The Freelancer' where he is seen in a never-seen-before a൩vatar.