Sakshi C Kumar Director, Tulsi Founder, Canvas Sakshi C Kumar, inheriting Neeru Kumar's visionary spirit, navigates Tulsi, a timeless women's wear brand that works with handcrafted fabrics deeply rooted in Indian culture since the past 30 years. The brand has carved a niche for itself in the Indian as well as international fashion & lifestyle arena, accentuating its fusion of tradition and modernity, showcasing its prowess in embroidery and techniques, captivating new audiences with its timeless allure. Notably, Sakshi's latest venture started in 2018, label Canvas, is a blend of of simplicity and sophistication, complementing Tulsi's legacy with contemporary flair. Tulsi and CANVAS have a presence that spans both offline and online 🌞realms, boasting flagship stores at DLF Emporio Mall and 'Santushti' i𝓀n Delhi, Galleria in Gurugram alongside Kala Ghoda in Mumbai. Collaborations with Chennai's oldest multi designer store 'Amethyst' further bolster its reach.