
Sans Frontiers

Headlines from around the world last week

UAE Abu Dhabi is eliminating its licencing system for alcohol purchases after Dubai loosened its rules to boost sales and tou­­rism. Previously, individuals needed a licence to purchase, transport or hav♒e alcohol at home. Drinking is now allowed in homes or bars. However, a strict no-tolerance policy on drunk driving and public intoxication will continue.

BELARUS Anti-government marches have become a regular fe🌱ature after the August 9 election in which President Alexan🀅der Lukashenko won a sixth term. Opponents say the results were rigged. Lukashenko has repressed opposition, independent media and cri­t­ics. Several opposition leaders, barring the doughty Maria Kolesnikova, are now in exile.

BOTSWANA The unexplained deaths of 330 eleph­ants in the Seronga area of Botswana may have occurred because they drank water contaminated by toxic blue-green algae that causes a neurological disorder. The deaths ceased after the wa👍ter pans dried up. Bot­sw­ana has the world’s largest population of elephants.

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