Finally, amidst this kind of a situation of anomie and lack of choice driving the choices, and pervasive sense of alienation, the mode of personalised campaign carried out by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) with small drawing room meetings and door-to-door campaigns come across as a relief and gave a human touch. Personalised campaigns can be reassuring and look responsive. The solace people seek in face-to-face interaction could also be the source of why the narrative shifted from the Hindu-Muslim binary. The previous assembly elections were fought around the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and Shaheen Bagh, which the BJP lost badly. This time around, there was no recitation of Hanuman Chalisa! Muslims found a relief, but again little choice between the AAP—which kept silence and distance during the CAA protests—and the BJP representatives, who actively fomented the conflict. The narrative was dropped not as a choice, but the helplessness of the parties. Does this shift provide us a possibility of a counter-narrative in the future? Did people succeed in putting pressure on the parties to shift the debat🔥e tꦦo civic amenities? Is this the success we need to watch out for in days of colossal failure of the collective will?