
MCD To Renovate 1,000 Big Parks In Six Months, Says Official

The civic authorities are also conductin🌊g surveys to identify service-level gaps ꧒across parks in colonies in the MCD area. 

The civic body plans to renovate a thousand big parks here in the next six months by installing green patching and refurbishing gym facilities wherever꧑ required, an official said on 🥀Friday. 

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) looks after 15,000 parks, including 1,000 big ones. A park is considered "big" if it is more t🍷han an acre in size. The renovation will include installing green patches and refurbishing the open gym and swings in the parks, the official said. The parks will be developed in a phased manner. 

"We are developing an action plan to refurbish the parks in the MCD area. We plan to develop the parks in phases. "We have 15,000 parks in total, of which around 1,000 are more than an acre in size. In t🐠he first phase, we will renovate such parks. Smaller parks will be renovated in the second phase," the official said. 

"🧔Renovation of the big parks is the p🧸riority as their demands are more. The renovation will also include the development of gyms where there is a need and  sprucing up the existing outdoor gym facility,"; he added. 

The civic auth✨orities are also conducting surveys to identify service-level gaps ac✃ross parks in colonies in the MCD area. "We have services such as recreational (swings in parks) and health (open gyms). We believe there should be at least one park with an open gym in the colony. In every colony, there should be a park with facilities for children to play," he said. 

"(A survey to understand) colony-wise service gap is the best way to identify the requirement for facilities. We are preparing data in this regard and the repair work will start according to that,"🧸; he added,

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