Anshumaan Pushkar, who gained popularity through his Netflix show Jamtara: Sabka Number Aayega, is back as Rocky with season 2 of the show currently streaming on Netflix. The show’s plot centers on a group of young, skilled phishers from a small town who run with a corrupt politician who wants a piece of their lucrative business.
The new season introduces more scam artists and hidden dangers while weaving in existing rivalries with new characters. This season shows how the youthful con artists in Jamtara have expanded and reinvented phishing, which has put them up against a wall. Sunny Mondal (Sparsh Shrivastav), his older cousin Rocky (Anshumaan), and Gudiya take on Brajesh Bhaan, a local politician, despite significant odds, politics, and an unquenchable desire for power.
Talking about the real-life encounter with a conman, Anshuman says that he has experienced it once.
“It has happened to me once but I didn’t lose anything. However, my elder brother and some of my friends had to face the consequences when they got a call. What happened to me was that I got a call from a young man who would be 17- years –old. I told him that I am also from Jamtara and spoke about the show so he answered by saying, ‘do whatever you can but we will not stop.’. The confidence in his voice was more than what I performed as Rocky in the show. I feel that they are proud of whatever they are doing,” he says.
Anshuman, who is also a theatre artist and was a part of AltBalaji’s famous show, Gandii Baat along with ‘Grahan’, says that with season two of ‘Jamtara’ they want to repeat the same success story that season 1 has created.
“When we were shooting for season 2, we discussed how in India, season two hardly repeats the success of season 1 of any series so our prime focus was to create our own mark that season 1 has created. We had pressure but it was a very soft pressure. We were more prepared and were mentally strong throughout the shooting,” he says.
Apart from Anshuman, other cast members of the show include Amit Sial as Brajesh Bhaan, Dibyendu Bhattacharya as Inspector Biswa Paathak, Aksha Pardasany as SP Dolly Sahu, Sparsh Shrivastav as Sunny, Monika Panwar as Gudiya Singh and Simran Mishrikoti as Varsha Mishra.
Season 1 and 2 was directed by Soumendra Padhi
Anshumaan Pushkar On His Real-Life ‘Jamtara’ Experience: I Was Amazed By His Confidence
The new season introduces more🌌 sca🃏m artists and hidden dangers while weaving in existing rivalries with new characters