Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have welcomed their second child, a bonny baby boy. The couple have named the boy, Akaay. The happy couple took to social media to announce the arrival of the baby and they’re extre🌱mely happy on this new a❀ddition to their family. Now, little Vamika has a baby brother to play with.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli took to social media to announce the news to all their fans and followers. Sharing the news, the couple wrote on social media, “With abundant happiness and our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay, Vamika's little br🐻other into this world! We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time in our lives. We request you to kindly respect our privacy at this time. Love and𓆉 gratitude, Virat & Anushka (sic).”
Check out their posts right here:
Multiple rep෴orts on social media say that the name Akaay is a Hindi word, however, it has a Turkish origin. In Sanskrit, Akaay means anythi𒆙ng or something that is without a form or a body. It comes from the work kaaya, which means body or form.
The reports of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli having a second baby started during the time India was playing the 2023 ICC Cricket World Cup. Anushka Sharma was seen quite a few times sporting a baby bump while the two were seen hanging ou🍸t together in their hotel after the matches were over. While 𒁏neither of them ever confirmed the reports, AB De Villiers had confirmed that they were having a baby on one of his podcasts. Soon afterwards, he had retracted the same news and apologised for sharing false information. Seems like it was all a cover up.
Whatever it was, the entire country and the world is e🐎xtremely happy for both Anush🌳ka Sharma and Virat Kohli.
Here’s wishing the 𓆉lovely couple a very happy♍ parenthood once again.