Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli became proud parents to their second child, a baby boy, in February this year and announced it on social media. Before the announcement, there had been rumours that Anushka and Virat welcomed their son in London. Now with Virat being busy with IPL 2024, Anushka Sharma has reportedly made her way back to India. It was earlier said that the two had jetted off to the UK in January, and post their son’s birth, Vi𓆉rat was seen in London with daughter Vamika.
Now on April 16, paparazzo Viral Bhayani confirmed on his Instagram handle that Anushka has returned to India, and has given an exclusive sneak peek of baby Akaay to the paparazzi present at the airport. Sh🎉e also told them that she will certainly pose for the cameras when her ki🎃ds are not around.
His post read, “Anushka Sharma ga♌ve an exclusive sneak peek of the baby to the paps at the airport and also promised to meet soon for a get together. She will pose herself but not when the kids are around. One may recall that, earlier, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt had invited the paps to their residence for a get together. That time, Ranbir showed / revealed the angelic face of Raha to the paps from his phone! Even though she did not allow the paps to click photos or videos of🎐 her two kids, she did say that she would do a photo of herself when the kids are not around (sic).”
It was in February that Anushka and Virat announced on social m𝔉edia, “With abundant happiness and☂ our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay and Vamika’s little brother into this world!”
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli got married in December 2017. She took a break from acting in 2018 after the release of her film ‘Zero’, and welc𓂃omed their daughter, Vamika, in 💟January 2021.