Chris Van Dusen created ‘Bridgerton’, a historical romance television series for Netflix. Based on Julia Quinn’s book series, this is Shondaland’s first written drama for Netflix𒈔. It focuses around an eponymous fictional family and takes place in the competitive world of Regency era London’s ton during the social season in the early 1800s, when young marriageable nobles and gentry are presented to society.
The first part of the 3rd season was released today on Netflix India, with Part Two following on June 13. The season has already started garnering some great reviews especially for the performance of Nicola Coughlan.
The cast and crew of the show recently came down together for a premiere of the show in New York♏. At the Alice Tully Hall, everyone was seen sporting their royal best as they walked in for the red-carpet event. Here are a few glimpses from the web series premiere:
1. Nicola Coughlan
𒉰Actor Nicola Coughlan attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
2. Simone Ashley
𒉰Actor Simone Ashley attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
3. Bessie Carter
🌼Actor Bessie Carter attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
4. Jonathan Bailey And Luke Newton
🌺Actors Jonathan Bailey, left, and Luke Newton attend the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
5. Tori Kelly
♑Singer Tori Kelly attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
6. Naturi Naughton
ಞSinger, songwriter and actor Naturi Naughton attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
7. Hannah Dodd
ꦚActor Hannah Dodd attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
8. Luke Newton And Claudia Jessie
🌸Actors Luke Newton, left, and Claudia Jessie attend the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
9. Shonda Rhimes
✤Executive producer Shonda Rhimes attends the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.
10. ‘Bridgerton’ Cast And Producers
✱‘Bridgerton’ cast and producers pose at the ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3 global premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York.