Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan recently made his debut with Netflix’s ‘Maharaj’. The debutant actor won hearts with his earnest performance. Junaid has now also dipped his toes in the production aspect of movies. He is currently producing ‘Pritam𒈔 Pyaare’ for Aamir Khan Productions. In a latest interview, Junaid revealed that he stepped into production after his father Aamir asked him to take over as he was retiring.
In a conversation with The Times Of India, Junaid Khan spoke about why he decided to step into production after delivering just one film. The actor mentioned that he took this decision as Aamir Khan was contemplating retiring from the industry. He mentioned that his fathe𓂃r had asked him to take over while he thought of his next venture. He also revealed that he had worked on the sets of ‘PK’.
He said, “After we completed the shoot for ‘Maharaj’, there was a film we were working on at AKP (Aamir Khan Productions). At that point, Kiran (Rao) was making ‘Laapataa Ladi⭕es’ and Dad was going through this whole ‘I-am-retiring phase’, and he even spoke about that. He told me, ‘🔯I am retiring, why don’t you take over?’ So, that’s the phase when I stepped in. I think I have a decent understanding of production. It’s probably one of the toughest jobs in filmmaking.”
In the same conversation, Junaid mentioned that his parents – Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta – were not anxious about his debut. He revealed that they both liked the film. He continued, “The fact that they weren’t anxious also helped me with everything that was going on with the fil🧸m. They both liked it. Dad liked it quite a lot. He tends to be an easy audience, as he goes in to watch something wanting to enjoy it. My mom is a tougher audience to please.”
On the work front, Junaid is 🅰currently working on an untitled project with Khushi Kapoor.