, starring Kartik Aaryan and Alaya F, is now available to watch on Disney+ Hotstar. The Shashanka Ghosh directorial c🃏hronicles the tale of an introverted dentist Freddy Ginwal who has a darker side as the night wears on. Soon after watching the film, some of the country’s top critics took to Twitter to give their verdict on the film.
A majority of them not only enjoyed the film💞 but also called this Kartik Aaryan’s best performance to date. The actor made sure to reply to each one of their critics with heart-shaped emojis.
The film was making a lot of noise on social media from the time the new of Kartik Aaryan gaining 14 kilos for the role surfaced online. Freddy is about the journey of Dr Freddy Ginwala, a shy, lonely and socially awkward 🅺person who loves playing with his miniatu𒈔re planes and the only friend he has is his pet turtle Hardy. Filled with unusual twists, turns and chaos of emotions, Freddy is keeping social media users it seems.
Freddy’s caring aunt Persis (Myrna S. Dalal), Kainaaz husband Rustom (Sajjad Delfrooz) and Chef Raymond aka Pro♔tein Shake (Karan A Pandit) appearances have also good reviews.