Earlier this month, it was reported that Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt are all set to start working on the sequel of ‘Son Of Sardaar.’ Titled ‘Son Of Sardaar 2’, the movie is all set to go on floors soon. As the movie starts generating buzz among the fans, a latest report has revealed that Kubbra Sait has also been roped in by the makers.
As reported by Punjab News Express, the makers have got Kubbra Sait on board to play an interesting role in the comedy film. The report mentioned that the actor will begin shooting overseas for her role from the next month onwards. The specifics of her role have been kept under wraps. The report also quoted a source close to the development who said, “Kubbra Sait has joined the cast of Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, and Mrunal Thakur in ‘Son of Sardar 2.’ While the specific♔s of her role are being kept under wraps, it is known that she will play an interesting character in this big-screen entert𒊎ainer directed by Vijay Arora.”
Earlier it was reported that Sonakshi Sinha has been replaced by Mrunal Thakur in the film. As per reports, Devgn will announce the film soon. The sequel will not follow the events that took place in the first film. The makers wiꦆll be e🌞xploring a new plot as Devgn and Dutt reprise their roles. Additionally, the sequel will also feature an entirely new cast.
Sait is known for🍬 her roles✃ in ‘Gully Boy’, ‘Jawaani Jaaneman’, and ‘Sacred Games.’ Apart from ‘Son Of Sardaar 2’, Devgn is also gearing up for the release of ‘Auron Mein Kya Dum Tha’ where he will share the screen with Tabu once again.