Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been embroiled into several controversies in his life. His ugly spat with Vivek Oberoi over hi🐲s relationship with his ex-girlfriend Aishwarya Rai is known to all. Moreover, in 2002, Salman’s car crashed into the American Express Bakery on Hill Road in Bandra, Mumbai, and the accident killed one person and injured four others. While the actor was nabbed for the hit-and-run case, he was acquitted in the case by the Bombay High Court in 2015. Not just that, during the shoot of 1998 film ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ in Jodhpur, Salman was accused of poaching three ch🦩inkaras and a blackbuck.
However, during all his controversies and court cases, his father and veteran screenwriter Salim Khan has always protec🐻ted h𝐆is son. But do you know that Salim Khan had once admitted that he has never indulged in false humility with his kids?
Mentioning how he loves his sons unconditionally and feels compelled to defend them, he had told Zoom in an old interview, “I have never indulge in false humility because I think fဣalse humility is worse than conceit. Every time Salman has made a mistake… they criticise… but what do they expect me to say? That he deserves it. Because love is unconditional. I cannot say that Salman you have to be perfect in this thing or Arbaaz you have to do a thing like this then only I will love you. They are my children. I love them and I would defend him, I would protect him but at the same time I don’t a♕pprove of some things that he does.”
Salim had further recalled Salman’s clash with filmmaker Subhash Ghai when the actor slapped the filmmaker, and mentioned how he was the one who asked Salman to seek an apology. Salim Khan explained, “ꦑAfter the fight, the next morning when I was having my tea, he came to me and told me about the incident. I asked him if he realised it was his mistake, and he admitted that he was at fault and blamed alcohol for the fight. I advised him to pick up the call and apologise to Subhash, and he did it.”
Meanwhile, on April 14, two assailants opened fire at Salman Khan’s Mumbai residence, and post that, gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and꧋ his brother Anmol Bishn🌠oi took responsibility for it.