Actor Shraddha Kapoorꦐ has always remained tight-lipped whenever the media asks about her relationships. The actor has not revealed any names, but the paparazzi have often spotted her with Rahul Mody. The rumoured couple was spotted at Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding bash in Jamnagar amidst other outings. Recently, the actor took to her social media and put all speculations to rest. She shared a picture with Mody and confirmed her relationship with him.
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Shraddha Kapoor shared a sunkissed selfie with Rahul Mody༒. Kapoor was seen in a white top that she had paired with dainty gold jewellery. Mody, on the other hand, was spotted in a white shirt. The couple posed for the camera with their heads together. Sharing the picture, she wrote, “Dil rakh le, neend to vaapis de de yaar. (Translation: Keep my heart but give me my sleep back).” She shared the picture with several emojis including the heart emoji.
⛄Take a look at the picture shared by Shraddha Kapoor here.
According to an earlier report by Hindustan Times, it was speculated that the couple♍ might make their relationship official. The report stated, “They are not afraid to be photographed with each other, but that doesn’t mean they will make their relationship official anytime soon. They are both private people and want to keep their relationship out of the limelight. They are not afraid to be photographed with each other, but that doesn’t mean they will make their relationship official anytime soon. They are both private and want to keep their relationship out of the limelight.”
ꦰEarlier, Kapoor had dropped hints about her relationship with Mody on social media. In one of her pictures, she was seen wearing a pendant with the letter ‘R.’ Eagle-eyed fans connected the dots and mentioned that the necklace was for Mody.