A case has been filed against 'Jai Bhim' director TJ Gnanavel and Suriya’s 2D Entertainment by a person named V Kulan🐽jiyappan for allegedly using his life story for the film without providing the promised co🍃mpensation. According to a report published on DT Next, a case under Sec.63 (a) of the Copyright Act has been filed by Sastri Nagar police station (Chennai) against the director and the production house, reports The Indian Express.
Reportedly, Gan🧸anvel had met Kulanjiyappan ahead of the film shoot in 2019 and had promised Rs. 50 lakh as royalty for his life story. He was also promised a share in the film’s profit. However, it is now said that Kulanjiyappan has not been given th🐎e promised compensation.
Talking to Thanthi TV, Kulanjiyappan’s lawyer said, “According to the Copyright Act, the makers should have obtained written permission from my client. However, till no🍸w no such permission has been received. So, it is a criminal offense to make a film bas꧋ed on my client’s life story and make money without his permission.”
Only recently, Madras High Court quashed✱ a case against Suriya, Jyothika, and TJ Gnanavel. The case claimed that the film portrayed the Vanniyar community in 🦋a bad light. Within two weeks after the order of the High Court, the filmmakers are facing another legal trouble.
Suriya plays the role of an activist-lawyer in 'Jai Bhim', which is inspired by retired Madras High Court Justice K Chandru. The film depicts a case f🍌ought by Justice♌ Chandru, when he was a lawyer at the High Court.