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Planetary Combination For Purnayu Or Full Longevity

Since Purnayu or full longevity according to the principles of Vedic astrology is a result of very intricate planetary combinations. Some important houses for longevity are 1st, 3rd, 6th and 8th houses. Benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus🐻 and Mercury, if strong or well-placed, support longevity.

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Purnayu or full longevity
Planetary Combination🍃 For Purnayu Or Full Longevi⛦ty

All of us are very curious about our lives. It means that everybody wants to know how long one may live. In astrology, the prediction of the longevity of an individual is a very diffic൲ult and complicated problem.ඣ To solve this puzzle, we consult astrologers. You must have also been to an astrologer for the same determination, even a great astrologer can't predict longevity 100% accurately. It becomes an approximate only.

According to Vedic astrology, horary astrology is perfect for forecasting the length of one's life. Astrologers say that answeꦉring the question about one’s long life is not reasonable but as humans have an intrusive nature, they want to know their life span desperately with the help of horary astrology.

While predicting or analysing a chart, if there is no longevity in the native's chart, there is no use in having other yogas. In such circumstances, we must appreciate the greatest astrologer, Varahamihara, who could predict the death of the son of his king. This is one of the gr♚eatest proofs of our ancient Vedic astrology.

In Veꦕdic astrology, the subject of longevity has been profoundly dealt with in a very meticulous manner. To start with, the life of a person is broadly classified into 6 different yoga, which are:

  • Balarishta Yoga or the ast🧜rological combinations for child mortality or infantile death - This indicates that the child is vul❀nerable to an early death before 8 years.

  • Madhya Rishta Yoga or the 🌼astrological combinations fo🎀r teenage death - This indicates that the death will occur before the age of 19.

  • Yogarista (Yogaja Ayu) Yoga, also known as Alpayu Yoga o🍌r the astrological combinations for death in prime age - This indicates that death will occur before 32 years of agꦚe.

  • Madhyayu Yoga, or ♎the astrological combinations for dea🍌th during mid-life - This indicates a lifespan of 64 years.

  • Deerghayu Yoga, or the astrological combinations for death during old𓆏 age - This indicates that death will occur before 84 years.

  • Purnayu Yoga, Amithayu or the astrological combinations for full lifespan indicate that death will occur after 100 years. Following Vimshottari dasa Purnay♏u, it extends up to a limit of 120 years.

Due to some malefic combinations of planets, their aspects and places also matter when producing malefic yogas. Here, the researcher gives detailed notes on malefic combinations a🎐s mentioned in astrologi♒cal classics.

1.    Key Houses for Longevity

Before looking at the exact planetary combinations, it's important to know what the houses in a birth chart mean when🍨 it comes to longevity:

  • Eighth House: This is the house of longev𒁃ity; it shows how long people live, how they die, and what kind of death they have. Bad effects here can mean health𝕴 problems or a shorter life span.

  • Third House: This is the house of energy and courage, and it also has a big impact on how long someone lives. A strong 𝔍third house means that you are healthy and full of life.

  • First House (Ascendant): 💧The Ascendant explains the details of the body and health in general. Being healthy and living a long♛ life are linked to having a well-placed ascendant and its lord.

  • Sixth House: Illnesses an﷽d problems are shown in this house. Those who have a strong sixth house can help you get ✃through health problems and other problems.

2.    Benefic and Malefic Planets

In Vedic astrology, planets are divi🥃ded into two groups: natural Bene﷽fic and natural Malefic.

  • Jupiter, Venus, Mercury (when not in combust position), and the waxing Moon are all natural😼 Benefic Planets.

  • The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and the waning Moon🥃 are all natural Malefic Planets.

The location, aspect, and strength of these planet🌠s have a big effect on how long someone lives.

3.    Other essential planetary combinations for Purnayu:

As per Vedic astrology, Saturn is responsible for life span and in a kundli, the 8th house decides a person’s longevity. If a kundli has Saturn as the most powerful planet amongst other planets, sometimes Saturn, as per his nature, creates problems in the early life of the൩ native. But slowly, as the native grows older, Saturn exalts its native with accomplishment.

  • If an auspicious arrangement of the 8th 🌄house, Saturn, Ascendant and the lord of the ascendant are there in the native's Kundli, then they may have a long life.

  • People may enjoy a long life if auspicious planets like Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury occupy the 8th ho𝐆use.

  • The placement of the moon also plays a vital role in horary astrology to ꧋define the lifespan of a child.

  • The Third House is important for liꦜving a long life because this house represents health and energy.  In the same way, the Eleventh House is important because it is the house of gains (3rd from the 9th). Good planets in the Third aꦺnd Eleventh Houses, or their rulers in strong positions, promote full longevity.

  • 🌜Kendras (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses) and Trikonas (1st, 5th, and 9th houses) should be beneficial to you. If Jupiter, Venus, or a strong and well-placed Mercury are in ๊these houses, they make the general positive energy in the chart stronger, which helps people live longer.

  • When the lord of the Eighth House iওs in a Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) or a Trikona (1st, 5th, 9th) from the ascendant, this yoga is formed, and good things happen. People think that this mix will give them long lifܫe and good health.

  • People born under ๊the Mrigashira or Punarvasu nakshatras are said to possess an extended lifespan. In these nakshatras, the presence of benefic planets might increase lo🐎ngevity.

  • The Mahadasha (main period) aꦇnd Antardasha (sub-period) of auspicious planets such as Jupiter, Venus, or Saturn in a favourable position hav💛e a good impact on one's lifespan.

  • When favourable aspects influence the ruler of the Eighth House in either a Kendra (1st, 4﷽th, 7th, 10th) or a Trikona (1st, 5th, 9th) from the ascendant, Sanjeevani yoga occurs, which gives an individual an extended lifespan and excellent physical well-being.

  • The placement of malefic planets such as Mars, Rahu, or Ketu in this house may have a negative influence on one's life span. In this situation, one may be a victim of a co🌳nspira💞cy or accident.

  • An afflicted 8th house and a♊ debilitated lord of the 8th house may decrease the long 🎶life of a person.

  • The aspect of an auspi🎃cious planet on the 8th house or lord of the 8th house is very good for a person’s long life, while the aspect of malefic planets in this position diminishes life span.

  • Paralleꦍl things go wrong if Saturn is weakened in one’s horary chart. That means a native may lไead a happy and affluent life in his early years but he may face severe problems as he grows up. In this way, the planetary position in a native’s horary chart specifies his or her life span and other things related to his or her longevity.

In Vedic astrology, Purnayau means "full longevity." It is a difficult but interesting subject to understand. It depends on the study of different planetary combinations, and positions of houses and yogas, which are already explained. Astrology can help you understand things. A healthy diet, positive thinking, and spiritual practices can also work together with astrological facts to improve your health and length of life. It is very important to remember that astrology is ju꧑st a tool to help us get better at understanding and navigating our journey.
