The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Kalkaji constituency candidate Ramesh Bidhuri on January 23 filed a complaint against Delhi Chief Minister Atishi for allegedly filing false complaints against his supporter and nephew Manish Bidhuri. In a letter to the Returning Officer, Bidhuri claimed that Atishi's baseless complaints ag🔜ainst his nephew are not corroborated by any audio-visual recordings or oral testimony of any independent witness.
Additionally, the Kalkaji candidate also ac🍨cused the Chief Minister of hiring paid workers from other assembly constituencies and claimed that they were misbehaving with BJP workers.
This comes after CM Atishi on January 22 lodged a complaint with the election commission, alleging harassment and intimidation faced by her party volunteers in the constituency from the BJP workers. She cited seven incidents of alleged intimidation of AAP workers in various parts of Kalkaji since Janua𝐆ry 15, in a letter to the poll body.
"BJP workers led by their candidate from Kalkaji Ramesh Bidhuri and his associates have been going around in the constituency openly hurling 💝abuses and physically intimidating AAP workers," Atishi said.
Atishi demanded the EC toཧ initiate criminal procee🎶dings against Bidhuri for allegedly intimidating and harassing AAP volunteers.
Voting for the 70 seats in the Delhi Assembly elections will happen on February 5 and results wi𒅌ll be declar🦂ed on February 8.