𝕴Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and senior BJP leader Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said if the 'double engine' government is formed in Odisha, bulldozers will be used against all kinds of mafia.
🥂Addressing an election rally in the Chilika assembly constituency under the Puri Lok Sabha seat, Yogi said, “Give us strength to form a double engine government in Odisha so that we can clear the path by running bulldozers on 'land, sand, forest and cattle' mafia in the state, as we did in Uttar Pradesh."
The term "double engine" is used by BJP ꦍleaders to refer to the party being in power at the Centre as well as in a state.
✅“The BJD government is surrounded by servile coterie and when they surround any government, it gives birth to dictatorship. Then corruption increases, the poor are exploited and the administration collapses,” he alleged.