India on Friday abstained in the UN Human Rights Co🅺uncil on a resolution that called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and also demanded that Israe𒉰l immediately lift its illegal blockade on the strip.
The draft resolution on the ‘Human rights situation in the Oಌccupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountabilitඣy and justice’ was adopted by the Geneva-based Council with a vote of 28 in favour, 6 against and 13 abstentions.
India abstained on the ꦯresolution, along with France, Japan, Netherlands, and Romania among others. Those voting against the resolution includ🔯ed Argentina, Bulgaria, Germany and the US.
♉Countries voting in favour of the resolution included Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Qatar, South Africa, Unit🦂ed Arab Emirates and Vietnam.
The resolution demanded that “Israel, the occupying Power, end its occupation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem,” and stressed that all efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be grounded in respect for internati▨onal humanitarian law and international human rights law and relevant United Nations resolutions.”
The resolution also called for an “immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance, in particular through crossings and land routes, and for the urg💮ent r♚estoration of basic necessities to the Palestinian population in Gaza.”
It ꦿdem♑anded that Israel immediately lift its illegal blockade on the Gaza Strip and all other forms of collective punishment and siege. It condemned Israeli actions that may amount to ethnic cleansing, and called upon all States to take immediate action to prevent the continued forcible transfer of Palestinians within or from Gaza.
It further condemned the targeting of civilians, including on October 7, 2023 when Hamas carried out the terror attack against Israel and demanded the immediate release of all remaining hostages and detainees as well as ensuring immediate humanitarian access to the hostages and detainees in line with int🧸ernational law.