Congress MP and leader of the party in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, has penned a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, expressing his concerns over the suspension of 13 opposition MPs for the remainder of the Winter session. Chowdhury highlighted the co𝕴ntext of the Lok Sabha security breach on December 13 and urged the Speaker to reconsider the suspension, stating that the opposition members were merely seeking an explanation from the g🌞overnment and demanding corrective measures.
In the letter, Chowdhury drew attention to a historical incident during the 2001 Parliament terror attack when Sonia Gandhi, then President of the Indian National Congress, was the first to call on the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Home Minister Lal Krishna Advani. He suggested a similar course of action for the currꦦent Home Minister to make a statement in the House regarding the recent security breach.
Chowdhury emphasized the need for a comprehensive investigation into the Lok Sabha security breach incident, calling for corrective actions not only in terms of the security apparatus but also to understand the factors that led to such a🔥 brazen act. He expressed trust that his letter would be taken seriously and urged a fair hearing for all sections.
The 13 suspended M🌺Ps include Benny Behanan, Kanimozhi Karunanidhi, Derek O'Brien, and others. The Opposition, seeking accountability, has been demanding a statement from Home Minister Amit Shah in response to the security breach incident where two individuals jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber from the visitor's ga꧋llery, setting off smoke cans. The suspended MPs were accused of disregarding the chair's directions and disrupting the proceedings of the house.