Andhra Pradesh Chief Mini𒅌ster Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday virtually inaugurated and laid the foundation for a slew of power projec🐲ts worth Rs 6,600 crore.
The CM 🌄laid the foundation for two solar power projects valued at Rs 🐈3,400 crore, in Kadapa and Anantapur, from his camp office.
Besides, he la🅰id the foundation for 16 power sub-stations at a cost of Rs 2,479 crore and inaugurated another 12 sub-stations worth Rs 620 crore.
"Aimed at enhancing power supply in 14 districts at an out⛄lay of Rs 3,099 crore, we have inaugurated some of the 28 power sub-stations and laid the foundation for some mℱore," said Reddy, addressing officials across the state.
Foundation ston🅰e was also laid for Rs 100 crore expansion project of Vijayawada-based Avera electric scooter company was also laidꦓ.
Moreover, Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Corporation Ltd has entered into💖 an agreement with the Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) for an investment worth Rs 10,000 crore, in the field of renewable energy.
The agreement with HPCL signed in the presence of Reddy invol🐎ves setting 🍰up a 500 MW solar power plant, 500 MW wind energy facility, green hydrogen plant, 100 MW battery energy storage system and others.
Accordin💛g to the CM, all these environmental friendly projects will create hundreds of jobs in the state.
-With PTI Input