💫Chaos ensued during Thursday's MCD House meeting as BJP councillors raised a fervent protest, demanding the arrest of Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj over alleged "substandard" drug supplies to city government hospitals. The session, marked by disruptions from BJP and Congress councillors seeking answers on various issues, including delayed salaries for municipal employees, pensions, and house taxes, was swiftly adjourned within minutes, as reported by PTI.
ꦇIn response to the tumult, Mayor Shelly Oberoi took decisive action, suspending opposition leader Raja Iqbal and BJP councillors Ravi Negi, Yogesh Verma, and Gajendra Singh from the House for 15 days. Oberoi cited the repeated attempts to disrupt the proceedings as the basis for the suspensions. She stated, "They will not be allowed to sit in the next House if it's held before the suspension gets over."
🤪Amid the disruptions, opposition councillors prominently displayed placards with slogans such as "Saurabh Bharadwaj ko jail bhejo" (Send Saurabh Bharadwaj to jail), "House tax mafi yojna laao" (Bring house tax waiver scheme), and "kya hua tera wada, pehli tareekh ko salary kaha that" (What happened to your promise? Where is the salary on the first of the month?).
🤡Despite the tumult, Mayor Oberoi managed to pass 18 proposals, postpone three, and refer back two during the course of the meeting.