Congress veteran P Chidambaram accused the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Centre of misusing investigating agencies during elections, using the example of Telangana where he claimed that at least four candidates from his party were summoned or had their premises sea🌃rched in the midst of the poll campaign.
Chidambaram remarked that no BJP candidate had faced searches by probe agencies, sarcastically suggesting that "it is obvious that a🍌ll candidates of the BJP were chosen by the gods and carry divine blessings.&q🅰uot;
In a post on X, the former Union minis🦂ter highlighted that, during the Telangana elections, at least four Congress candidates were subjected to summonses or premises searches by investigating agencies amid the election campaign.
"One of them was the Chairman of the BJP's Manife🌺sto Committee and resigned from the BJP👍 on November 1," he claimed.
"To the best of my knowledge, no candidate of the BJP has been searched by the agencies. It is obvious that 🌃all candidates of the BJP were cho🧸sen by the gods and carry divine blessings," Chidambaram said.
In fact, if the BJP is elected, the party will take the people of 🌠Telangana straight to 🐼heaven, he added.
"The misuse of the investigating agencies is so obvious that it does not require any argument in a court of law,🐼" Chidambaram said.
A𒆙ssembly elections in Telangana will 🌠take place on November 30 and results will be declared on December 3.