In Morbi city, Gujarat, a case has been registered against🙈 businesswoman Vibhuti Patel, owner of Raniba Industries Pvt Ltd, and at least six others for allegedly assaulting 21-year-old Dalit man Nilesh Dalsaniya. Dalsaniya had worked in Patel's company for a fortnight, but the situation took a violent turn when he demanded his salary after being abruptly dismissed on October 18,as reported by PTI.
The incident, which unfolded on Wednesday, led to a formal complaint by Dalsaniya, resulting in💯 the registration of an FIR by Morbi city's 'A' division police. The accused include Vibhuti Patel, her brother Om Patel, and manager Parikshit, among others. The assault took place when Dalsaniya, accompanied by his brother Mehul and neighbor Bhavesh, visited Patel's office to address the salary dispute.
Allegedly, Om Patel and his accomplices assaulted the trio at the office, and Vibhuti Patel further subjected Dalsaniya to physical abuse on the terrace of the commercial complex. The assailants, including Parikshit Patel and unidentified individuals, reportedly beat him with belts, kicked and punched him. The complaint outlines that Vibhuti Patel forced Dalsaniya to hold her footwear in his mouth and apologize for demanding his salar🦂y, threatening him with harm if he returned to the area.
The accused also recorded a video, coercing Dalsaniya to fa🐎lsely admit to extortion attempts. Following the assault, the Dalit man was taken to Morbi civil hospital for treatment. The police have booked all accused under charges of assault, criminal intimidation, rioting, and relevant sections of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. The investigation is ongoing, and no arrests h🐷ave been made at this time.