💮The Delhi High Court on Thursday asked the Election Commission of India to take a decision as expeditiously as possible, preferably within eight weeks, on a notice sent it has issued to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his alleged "pickpocket" jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi made during a speech delivered last month.
𒅌The court was hearing a public interest litigation seeking action against Gandhi as well as formulation of guidelines to prevent such "malpractice" by political leaders.
♊A bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Manmohan observed that although the alleged statements are "not in good taste", the Election Commission (EC) was examining the matter and has even issued a notice to Gandhi.
💦"Considering that deadline for filing reply is over and no reply has been received, the court directs EC to decide the matter as expeditiously as possible preferably within 8 weeks," the bench, also comprising Justice Mini Pushkarna, ordered.
⛦The court noted that in the notice sent on November 23, the poll panel itself said it will take appropriate action in the matter.
🍌Petitioner Bharat Nagar told the high court that Gandhi made a speech on November 22 levelling "heinous allegations" against individuals holding "highest governmental positions", including the prime minister and referred to him as a "pick-pocket".