🎉Finance Minister Nirmalaౠ Sitharaman on Tuesday said the government has adopted a targeted approach, based on ground-level inputs, to tackle retail inflation which is ruling at around 7 percent.
The minister was replying to a short-duration debate on price rise 💝in the Rajya Sa꧟bha. Sitharaman stressed that the fundamentals of the Indian economy are strong.
Indian economy compared to the situation prevailing in peer-group nations and even developed countries are definitely "much better", she said. However, the minister also acknowledged that global factors ar✅e impacting the economy, and said "th𒁃ese are realities".
The finance minister said that both the government and the Reserve Bank are taking steps to bring down inflation below 7 percent and further under🧸 6 percent. The government has tasked the RBI to ensure that the consumer price index (CPI) based inflation remains at 4 percent with a margin of 2 percent onಌ either side.
Sitharaman also countered opposition charges that the central government was only working for Ambanis and Adanis and not the po✱or. Such arguments, she 💫said only politicize an important debate like the one on price rise.