In a bizarre incident, seven members of a family, including three children, were found dead at their residence in Sura♔t city of Gujarat on Saturday. It has been reportedl t✅hat the police is suspecting it to be a case of mass suicide.
According to the offici🦩als, the bodies were found in an꧙ apartment in Adajan locality.
More💝over, police also discovered a note from their house which says that the family was taking the extreme step out of financiaꦑl distress.
Police found that six persons died apparently dꦅue to consuming some poisonous substance, while one was found hanging.
"A man, his wife, his parents, the couple's six-year-old son and two daughters aged 10 and 13 were found dead at their residence in Siddheshwar Apartment in Surat this afternoon. We are trying to ascertain the exact cause of their death," DCP (𝔉Zone-5) R P Barot said.