Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who is currently on a visit to Mauritius, met the island nation's Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth and President Prithvirajsing Roopun, and held with them "positive discussions" on making the Maharashtra-Mauritius bond stronger. Fadnavis, who met these leaders on Friday, said the Economic Development Board Mauritius (EDB) and Maharashtra Indus🅠trial Development Corporation (MIDC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), and added that the move would pave th🀅e way for a stronger connect and bring ease of doing business between Mauritius and Maharashtra.
The deputy chief minister also inaugurated a 12-feet statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj at Moka in the island nation on Friday evening, where he announced Rs 8 crore to the Mauritiꦓus Marathi Mandali Federation for the expansion of Maharashtra Bhawan there, and scholarships to 10 students. Fadnavis promised to set up a separate cell to ensure that Marathi-speaking people in Mauritius can remain in constant touch with the native place of their forefathers. In a tweet, he said, "Called on Hon’ble Prime Minister of Mauritius Shri Pravind Kumar Jugnauth ji, a great leader wh🧸o has played a very important role in preserving and strengthening the India-Mauritius bond since many years. Had very positive discussions on taking Maharashtra-Mauritius connect to an even more advanced stage."
On his meeting with Mauritius President Prithvirajsing Roopun, Fadnavis said, "It was very insightful to hear him based on his vast knowledge and experience in varied sectors. He too guided us on ways to take forward the Maharashtra and Mauritius bond!" The deputy chief minister also met several other leaders of that country. "We had detailed discussions♛ on various sectors and way forward on Maharashtra-Mauritius collaboration," he said on Twitter.
Apart from them, he also interacted with and addressed eminent people in the business se🐬ctor and captains of the industry at the Mauritius-Maharashtra Business Forum. Talking about the unveiling of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's statue in Mauritius, he said, "It was one of the greatest moments of my life! Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s statue gotꩵ installed 5000 kms away from His homeland...Just imagine the gravity of unparalleled greatness and our great King!"