Mah꧋arashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday visited actor Salman Khan's residence in Bandra and assured him of protection after two persons were arrested in connection with firing at his house.
Talking꧟ to reporters, Shinde said stringent action will be taken꧃ against those involved in the firing.
Shinde also said he has instr𓃲ucted the Mumbai Police commissioner to beef up security cover for Khan and his family m🏅embers.
"I have assured Salman Khan that the government stands behind him and his safety is the government's responsibility. The government will e🍎nsure ⛄that no one dares do such an act in Mumbai," Shinde said.
Two persons - Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21) - who were on the run after firing at Khan's house on Sunday, were nabbed late Monday niꩲght from a temple premises in Gujarat's Kutch district.
One of them, who was riding pillion on a motorcycle, fired five roun🌌ds - one of which hit the wall and another the gallery of Khan's residence, according to police.
"Police are investigating and the truth 𝔍will come out. Police ✤will find out who is behind the incident. Strict action will be taken against them," Shinde said.
Former MLA Baba Siddiqui, his son and Congress legislator Zeeshan Siddiqui, and Shiv Sena leader Rahul Kanal were also present at Khan's residence during Shinde's visit."I have assured Salman Khan that the government stands behind him and his safety is the government's responsibility. The governme📖nt will ensure that no one dares do such an act in Mumbai," Shinde said.