💯Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in a statement to the police revealed that the entire family was inside when the attacker entered their apartment, he said that the man was inside his youngest son Jehangir's room and both Khan and his wife Kareen Kapoor Khan heard screams of their son and their staff nurse before he rushed into the room.
ไThe medical report of the actor has surfaced which reveals that he was admitted to the hospital by his manager on January 16 and had at least five wounds on his body. There has been extra police protection deployed outside Khan's residence by the Mumbai Police.
🍎The incident in question occurred on January 16 when Khan, 54, was attacked in his 12th-floor apartment in Mumbai’s upscale Bandra area during an attempted robbery.
🐼The actor suffered multiple stab wounds and was operated upon at Lilavati Hospital before being discharged on Tuesday.
Saif Ali Khan's Statement To Police
🦄According to India Today report, Khan has stated that he and his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan were inside their bedroom on the 11th floor of their residence and heard screams from their staff nurse Eliyama Philip who looks after their youngest son Jehangir.
෴When Khan rushed to the room, he saw the intruder and then attempted to restrain the man. During the scuffle between Khan and the intruder, the actor got stabbed several times and then managed to escape the premises.
♐Philip told reporters that she was also injured by the knife carrying intruder who also asked for Rs 1 crore from the family.
Mumbai Police Shares Saif's Medical Report
😼The copy of actor Saif Ali Khan's medical report from Lilavati Hospital has surfaced, IANS shared the photo of the document on X platform and said that the Mumbai Police has revealed it.
⛎Accoridng to the document, Khan was admitted to the hospital at 4:11 am on January 16 and was brought there by his manager Afsar Zaidi. The report said that he was attacked at 2:30 am.
𒁏The report listed five injuries on Khan's body including back, left wrist, right side of neck, right shoulder and a wound on left elbow.
꧑Earlier several reports surfaced regarding who brought him to the hospital, some suggested that it was his eldest son Ibrahim Khan while some doctors during press conference said that he had his younger son Taimur with him that night. The auto rikshaw driver who brought him to the hospital told reporters that the actor had a small child with him and there was another adult person on that ride.
Attacker Detained, Fingerprints Match
𝔍A man named Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir (30) alias Vijay Das, a Bangladesh national staying illegally in India was arrested by Mumbai Police recently and his fingerprints according to India Today has match with those collected from Khan's Bandra flat.
The police found fingerprints on a pipe that the suspect likely used to climb to the 11th floor. They also found more fingerprints on the door handles of the victim's room and bathroom, which suggests that the suspect was at the crime scene.
🌱The intruder had broken into the actor's home with the intention of stealing, said the police.
🃏Meanwhile, Shehzad's father, Rahul Amin speaking to India Today claimed that the person whose face was captured from the CCTV footage in the actor's house from that night doesn't match with his son.
Mumbai Police Beefs Up Police Protection
🧸Mumbai police has deployed two constables in two shifts outside the Bandra residence of actor Saif Ali Khan.
🍌"We have provided temporary police protection outside Saif Ali Khan's Satguru Sharan building in Bandra West. Two constables from Bandra police station will be posted there in two shifts. CCTV cameras and widow grills have also be installed as part of security," the official informed.
♛Meanwhile, the accused will be produced in court on Friday to seek extension of his police remand, the official added.
🙈He was remanded in five-day police custody on Sunday.