✃Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday launched a blistering attack on TDP and Janasena at Bhimavaram in West Godavari district, and termed the two parties political entities that have no credibility among the masses.
ꦛThe chief minister launched his tirade against the two parties on the sidelines of a direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme programme where he noted that the state government had already spent Rs 2.45 lakh crore on welfare.
♓The CM disbursed Rs 584 crore under the Jagananna Vidya Devena towards total fee reimbursement for the quarter July-September 2023, which benefits more than 8 lakh eligible students.
ཧSpeaking at the event, he questioned why N Chandrababu Naidu had failed to implement such schemes when he had been chief minister.
🦄"Despite working for 14 years as chief minister, Chandrababu Naidu has no achievements to his credit as he spent his entire tenure indulging in scams and…the TDP chief has no political values or credibility, except telling lies, cheating people and backstabbing,” Reddy claimed, addressing a public meeting on the sidelines of the Jagananna Vidya Devena programme.
ꩵThe CM also targeted Janasena founder Pawan Kalyan, who had contested the 2019 assembly election from Bhimavaram, saying he was rejected by the local people. He also called him as a non-local who resides in Telangana, allegedly without an address in Andhra Pradesh.
♊Mocking at Kalyan, Reddy said there are individuals who sacrifice everything for the sake of the people but that the actor-politician had become a "sacrificial lamb" who put his entire political life at stake for Naidu to become chief minister.
ꦓFurther, Reddy claimed that the TDP and Janasena are coming up with joint manifestos laden with false promises for the next elections, propelled by biased media houses and called on the people to defeat them.