Abhey Singh, a former aerospace engineer from IIT Bombay, who has attracted significant attention at the Maha Kumbh Melaꦿ in Prayagraj, has been expelled from his akhara. According to media reports, Singh, also known as 'IITian Baba', was banned from entering the Juna Akhara camp and its surrounding areas after allegedly using offensive language towards his Guru, Mahant Someshwar Puri.
ꦛA member of the Juna Akhara stated that Singh was not affiliated with their group. "He was defaming us," the member told NDTV. "He was a vagabond, not a sadhu. He used to say anything on TV, which is why he was thrown out."
🐲The member further clarified that Singh was not a disciple of anyone within the Akhara.
Singh’s Response To Expulsion
In response to the expulsion, Singh denied the accusations and dismissed claims that he was thrown out of the Akhara🎶. Speaking to a news channel, he accused the seers of spreading false rumors about him. "They think I've become famous and might expose something about them, so they're claiming I've gone for secret meditation. Those people are talking nonsense," Singh, who has over 300,000 followers on Instagram, said.
✱Singh, also referred to as 'Engineer Baba', hails from Haryana. He explained his shift from science to spirituality, stating that a deeper understanding of life ultimately leads one towards spirituality. "Science helps explain the physical world, but its deeper exploration inevitably guides one toward spirituality," he said while interacting with devotees at the Maha Kumbh.
🐻The 36-year-old claims to have earned his aerospace engineering degree from IIT Bombay.