Police in Uttar Pradesh hav♌e made fool-proof security arrangements ahead of the Friday namaz, the first since the Centre announced the implementation of the Citizenship (Amend🦹ment) Act (CAA), officials said.
"The police headquarters has st♐rengthened vigilance by making adequate arrangements for a safe conduct of Friday p༺rayers," Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar said.
Additional police forces have been deployed near mosques for the convenꦛience of the namazis, he added.
"Special vigil is being maintained on anti-social elements and social media and our officers are taking stock🍸 of the situation on the ground," the DG𝐆P said.
Massive anti-CAA protests broke out in Aligarh, Kanpur, Bareilly, Varanasi and Lucknow in 2019 after Parliament passed the contentious law. On Januar𒆙y 17𒈔, 2020, a group of women staged a sit-in at the Lucknow Ghanta Ghar and it continued for months.
Police and the administration are on high ale🅰rt to ensure that incidents similar to the 2019 protes💮ts do not recur.