Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal on Friday said that "vendetta politics has 𝐆reached a new low" with the Enforcement Directorate's summoning of Congress leader Sonia Gandhi for interrogation. He also said that all investigating agencies are now perceived as long arms of the governm💖ent to harass leaders and tarnish reputations.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday questioned Congress chief Gandhi for over two hours in a money laundering case related to the National Herald newspaper. The day was a show of strength for the party with street protests and lea🎶ders courting arrest across the country.
"By the ED summoning Sonia Gandhi for interrogation vendetta politics has reached🍌 a new low," said Sibal, a former Congress leader who quit the party recently and was elected to the Rajya Sabha for a fresh 🐈term as an independent.
"All investigating agencies are 💎now perceived as long arms of the government to harass leaders and tarnish reputations," he said.
(With PTI Inputs)