Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday pitched for a "structured mechanism" of interaction among the heads of the Executive, the Leg🐬islature and the Judiciary, saying it will not help if the heads of these institutions start sharing their thoughts from public platforms.
He also said Indian democracy thrives and blossoms only when its three wings act in tandem. Addressing an event here to launch a poetry collection 'Roses without thorns' penned by Atܫtorney General (AG) R Venkataramani, Dhankhar said that "there will always be issues" but there must be a structured mechanism of interaction.
"We cannot go ahead in the country without someone telling all concerned that we must respect the doctrine of separation of poweꦐrs," the vice president said. He felt the attorney general is imminently suited to ensure that the doctrine of separation of powers evoke de♒ference from all the three organs.
Dhankhar urged him (Venkataramani) to pen down his reflections on the issue. Those at the helm of affairs of the three institutions will be enlightened by it, he noཧted. "He should write because if a thought is to emanate from one of the three organs, it is bound to be mistaken as adversarial. We require not confrontation but collaboration," the vice president said.
Dhankhar reminded that besides the president and MPs, the AG is the only person allowed to sit in the House and committee meetings. According to constitutional provisions, while the AG can participate in proceed🌞ings, he cannot vote.