Former India cricketer and pundit Irfan Pathan's makeup artist, Fayaz Ansari has tragically passed away after getting drowned in a swimming pool in the West Indies. Ansari, a resident of Nagina in Bijnor, was accompanying Pathan during the ongoing T20 World Cup. (More Cricket News)
The 22-year-old had moved to Mumbai an🐻d started up his o🅰wn salon. During his time, the cricketer usually made stops at his salon for makeup.
As time passed by, the cricketer-turned-pundit hired Ansari as♏ his personal makeuไp artist, and the latter often visited him on international trips.
The tragic incident happened on June 21, Friday, when Ansari drowned in a swimmi▨ng pool while bathing. The news of his passing away has left his family in a state of shock and despair.
As per the deceased's cousin brother, Irfan Pathan is taking care of all t♈he formalities in the West Indies to bring Ansari's body back to India. The family will receive the body in Delhi, which will take upto three tღo four days.