India's Asian Games silver medalist Jyothi Yarraji, secured the top spot in the women's 100m hurdles event in the Motonet GP Athletics Meet, equalling her national record. However, she missed the at the Olympic qualification mark just by a hair's breadth at Harjun Stadion in Finland on Wednesday, May 22. (More Sports News)
Despite matching the national record, Jyothi Yarraji felt a little disappointment as she failed to meet the qualification mark for the Paris Olympics 2024 by just 0.01 seconds.
Interestingly, she mis🔴sed the mark by the same margin at the World University Games in 2023.
Yarraji clocked 12.78 seco♍nds in the hurdles finals, matching her National Record and Personal Best timing.
Competing in her third outdoor competition of the season on Wednesday, Yarraji won the race ahead of Jamaica’s Crystal Morrison who cl♉ocked 12.87s and Lotta Harala with a timing of 12.95s of Finland.