A day after former Pakistan captain Shoaib Malik had announced his marriage with actor Sana Javed, Indian tennis legend 's family has broken its silence on the matter. A statement jointly released by Sania's family and her team reveals that she and Shoaib have been "divorced for a few months now". (More Tennis News)
The statement reads: “Sania has always kept her personal life away 🎃from the public eye. However, today the need has arisen for her to share that Shoaib and she have been divorced for a few months🍎 now. She wishes Shoaib well for his new journey ahead!"
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It further states: "At this sensitive period of her life, we would lik✃e to request all fans and well-wishers to refrain from indulging in any speculation and to respect her need for privacy."
Sania and Shoaib had gotten hitched in the former's hometown Hyderabad💙 in April 2010, and the two used to live in Dubai. Their marriage was one of the most well-known cross-border relationships that India and Pakistan have witnessed. They have a five-year-old son Izhaan Mirza Malik, who lives with Sania.
On Saturday, January 20, 2024, Shoaib had posted a picture on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) with his new wife Sana, ❀with the words "And We created you in pairs". This is hi🥀s third marriage - the first one was with Ayesha Siddiqui.
Sana has acted in a number of TV shows, and was first seen on screen in 2012 with drama series Shehr-e-Zaat and Mera Pehla Pyar. I꧋n 2017, she made her movie deb💖ut with the socio-comedy film Mehrunisa V Lub U.
Days earlier, Sania had posted a cryptic message on Instagram, which read: "When someth🍸ing dist﷽urbs the peace of your heart , let it go."
As for Sania and Sho🍸aib's separation, Sania's father Imran Mirza had told PTI that "it was a 'khula'", which refers to the right of a Muslim woman to unilaterally divorce her husband.