M K Protein Limited, listed on both NSE and BSE, currently trades at approximatel𝓀y 80 INR, making it an attractively affordable option for investors. With a market capitalization of around 1100 crores, the stock is not only reasonably priced but is also trading below its price-to-book value. In the previous financial year, the company reported a total income of 76 crores. However, experts anticipate a substantial increase in the company's♐ total income, reaching around 225 crores in the fiscal year 2023-2024, driven by significant export orders from Africa and Sri Lanka. This implies a potential surge of up to 300% in the company's total income for the current fiscal year. Moreover, the recent appreciation of the dollar is expected to boost the company's operating profit margins, with an estimated increase from 5% to a robust 10%. These fundamental factors have led market experts to forecast a significant upswing in the share price over the next 3 to 6 months, potentially reaching 400 INR.