
Ambedkar University Delhi Suspends 11 Students, Claims AISA

The All India Students' Association claims the decision lacks transparency demands revocation, and the university has yet to comment on suspensions.


The All India Students' Association on Sunday claimed Dr B R Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) suspended Eleven students for alle🔯gedly harassing a classmate, saying the administration "recklessly handled" the matter and that its decision lacked "transparency".

The alleged suspensions came after an inquiry into an incident of harassm✤ent ඣat the university's Karampura campus earlier this month where a student was said to have faced severe harassment by classmates, it said.

The university has n♓ot commented on th🏅e suspensions.

The alleged bullying escalated over time, lead🐎ing the student to attempt suicide and prompting the university administ𒐪ration to initiate an investigation.

AISA termed the alleged suspensions "unjust" and dema🍬nded an immediate revocation of the order.

In an official statement, the Left student outfit claimed the administration's decision lacked transpare🎶ncy and set a dangerous precedent that undermined the democrati𝓀c character of the university.

"The reckless handling of this issue, both by the administration and by certain sections of the student community, has led to a deeply flaw♏ed process that demands urgent redress," it said.

The students' group𝓀 has also demand🥀ed that the university make public the proctorial committee's report to ensure accountability.

Eight of the suspended students are from the BA Global Studies program 🉐while the other three arღe activists of the Students' Federation of India (SFI), another Left students' outfit.

The SFI has accused me𝓡mbers of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) of being involved in the harassment, an allegation the RSS-affiliated organization called "baseless".

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