After a fan of Sidharth Malhotra claimed that he was duped of Rs 50 lakhs while getting insider information about him and his wife, Kiara Advani, the actor has finally reacted. The acto𒈔r has issued a statement and has asked his fans to exercise caution. He mentioned that he does not support any of his fan pages claiming to take money to fetch information about him.
Taking to his social media, Sidharth Malhotra issued a statement where he reacted to the fraudulent activities and scams that have taken ౠplace under his name. He wrote, “It has been brought to my attention that certain fraudulent activities/scams have been circuꩵlating on various social media platforms, allegedly claiming to be associated with or in relation to me, my family, and people claiming to be my fans and seeking money. I want to assure everyone reading this that neither I nor my family or team support any of this. I urge all of you to exercise caution when dealing with such matters. If you receive any suspicious requests, report them to the appropriate authorities and avoid spreading false information. My fans have always been my biggest strength and your trust and safety are my top priorities.”
Take a look at the post shared🍒 by Sidharth Malhotra here.
The actor’s statement comes after a user took to X (formerly known as Twitter) and claimed that he was duped of Rs 50 lakhs by a fan page made for Sidharth Malhotra. He mentioned that he had paid the fan page to get insider information about the actor and also to speak with Malhotra. He said, “I paid them weekly charges to get inside info & speak with Sid. Also, I bought Sid 3 gift hampers, which I found out were photoshopp✤ed. Apart from this, expenses were made to save Sid from death or torture. All this led to a ꦜloss of 50 lakhs.”
Malhotra and Advani married in February 2023. On the work front, Malhotra was last seen in ‘Yodha’, while Advani was las💜t seen in ‘𒈔Satyaprem Ki Katha.’