As the world celebrated Father’s Day yesterday, Ira Khan also took the opportunity to wish her father – Aamir Khan. She shared an unseen video of the actor singing at her wedding. The video feat🔥ured Aamir breaking dಌown as he sang for her daughter, and Ira was also seen getting emotional seeing her father break down.
In a video shared by Ira Khan on her Instagram, the video shows Aamir Khan singing for her and Nupur Shikhare at their sangeet night which was held at the Udaipur wedding. The video sho𝓰ws Aamir talking fondly about Ira. He mentions how Ira grew up faster than him. Aamir is seen singing ‘Phoolon Ka Taron Ka’ and ‘Aa Chalke Tujhe’ with Kiran Rao and their son Azad over the harmonium. For the final song, the acꦯtor sings ‘Babul Ki Duayen Leti Ja’. He is seen getting emotional as he sings and even Ira and Nupur also tear up. Sharing the video, she wrote, “Happy Father’s Day.”
Take a look at the video shared by Ira Khan here.
In the video, Aamir mentions that he has learned much more from Ira. He said, “I think I have learned a lot over the years, especially over these last three years.”The video has left fans emotional. It has fetched over 3K likes. Nupur Shikhare left a couple of heart emojis in the comments. Rea✃cting to the video, one fan said, “What a blessed daddy you have, Ira.” A second fan mentioned, “And may your brother Junaid top get some blessings too. His film needs to be screened, not banned! Father's Day greetings to your lovely dad.” A third fan wrote, “This is so precious.”
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikha🌞re tied the knot in January after dating each o🍨ther for long. The couple had two weddings – one in Mumbai, the other in Udaipur.