10 Food Tips To Keep You Warm Here's how to replenish your body with some hot winter delicacies BY Dr Meghana Pasi 🌟 28 January 2021
🉐World Diabetes Day: How To Celebrate A 'Cheenikam Diwali' Here's how to invite health and prosperity this Diwali, not Diabetes and medical bills BY Dr Meghana Pasi 🐈 14 November 2020
Want To Avoid Trans Fats In Your Food? Here's How ♏Read the nutrition facts /food labels carefully: avoid those that have ‘hydrogenated oils’, ‘partially hydrogenated oils’ or ‘shortenings’ in the ingredients list BY Dr Meghana Pasi ༺ 17 September 2020
Tired, Cranky, Irritable? Try Some Protein 🎀Lack of protein can also lead to lower immunity levels, brittle nails, hair loss and increased risk of fractures BY Dr Meghana Pasi 🌠 23 August 2020