💙Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Wednesday targeted the BJP-led Centre asking when a probe will be initiated into a video in which Union minister Narendra Tomar’ son is purportedly heard discussing some financial dealings. Tomar’s son has termed the video fake.
꧙Baghel shared on X the video of a man who identified himself as a resident of Canada and claimed it was him who was discussing financial transactions with Tomar’s son in an earlier video.
♏“Rs 10,000 crore game? Your (apparently referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi) agency levelled allegations of hundreds of crores of rupees (scam) against me based on an unconfirmed video and statement of a driver. Now check this also. Which agency will investigate? When will raids take place? When will there be hour-long programmes in the media,” Baghel asked.
🍸A new revelation has come to light in the viral video case of Union minister Narendra Singh Tomar's son Devendra Tomar “making transactions worth crores of rupees”, Baghel claimed.
༺“The person who was talking to the minister's son on video call has confirmed the entire conversation by releasing a new video. Narendra Singh Tomar's son has also purchased 100 acres of land abroad for ganja (cannabis) cultivation,” he wrote on X.
ไA video purportedly showing Union minister Tomar’s son Devendra Pratap Singh Tomar and a “middleman” talking about several crore rupees recently went viral on social media, giving the Congress fresh ammo to target the BJP. The minister’s son has termed the video fake.
ꦍThe BJP stepped up its attacks on Baghel after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) recently made a claim over the 'Mahadev' betting app case.
♚The ED claimed that a forensic analysis and a statement made by a ‘cash courier' had led to “startling allegations” that the promoters of the ‘Mahadev’ betting app paid about Rs 508 crore to Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel so far, and that “these are subject matter of investigation”.
♏Subsequently, the BJP in a press conference shared a video claiming it to be of Subham Soni, an accused in the Mahadev betting app case, wherein he claimed that he had given Rs 508 crore to CM Baghel so far.
🐽Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other top BJP leaders also targeted Baghel over the betting app case throughout their campaigning for state elections.
✨The second phase of Chhattisgarh assembly elections will be held on November 17 and on the same day, neighbouring Madhya Pradesh will also go to polls in a single phase.
ﷺThe first phase of elections in Chhattisgarh was held on November 7.