πChief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel carried out the Maha-aarti of Kelo Maiyya in Raigarh and prayed for the happiness and prosperity of the state's people. He also symbolised the prosperity of 'Godhan' by feeding fodder to a cow. Additionally, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel also carried out 'deepdan' using diya(lamp) made from cow dung.
π°The Maha-aarti of Kelo Maiyya showcased a grandeur reminiscent of the Ganga Ghat in Banaras. The chants of Kelo Maiyya echoed through the entire Ghat, creating a deeply spiritual atmosphere.
π Chief Minister Mr. Baghel received a warm welcome from the Kelo Udhar Samiti and the members of Sarva Samaj at the Kelo Maha-aarti program.
Culture Minister Mr. Amarjit Bhagat, School Education Minister Dr. Premsai Singh Tekam, Higher Education Minister Mr. Umesh Patel, MLA Mr. Chakradhar Singh, Rajeshree Mahant Dr. Ramsudar Das, Chairman of Chhattisgarh Gauseva Aayog, and various public representatives were also present.