The BJP on Friday welcomed the Gujarat High Court's decision rejecting Rahul Gandhi's plea to stay his conviction in a defamation case and said it is the Congress leader's "chronic habit" to abuse and defam😼e others.
Addressing a press conference here, BJP leader and former Un🐼ion minister🌠 Ravi Shankar Prasad noted that the Congress leader refused to apologise for his 'Modi surname' jibe and displayed "irresponsible arrogance". If he behaves like this and defames people and institutions, the law with catch up with him, he said.
The law has caught uཧp with him, he added. Prasad noted that there are seven-eight defamation cases against the former Congress president.
It has become a chronic habit of Gandhi to abuse and defame eminent people and organisations, the🐲🎶 BJP leader said, noting that he has also been accused of insulting a great patriot such as Veer Savarkar and the Hindutva organisation RSS.
It is his arrogance that he believes he is above the law as he is from the Gan🐭dhi family, Prasad said.